Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Equity Chapter Four

Reactions to different kinds of kids. . .
1. Kids you find easy to like:
friendly kids, good sense of humor, comfortable around adults, works hard
2. Kids you find it hard to like:
whiners, bossy kids, needy kids
3. Kids you are sorry for:
bad hygiene
4. Kids you fell threatened by:
defiant kids
5. Kids you identify with:
quite kids, not volunteer info
6. Kids you gravitate towards:
The ones who can’t stay in their seats
7. Kids you fell inadequate around:
accelerated kids, advanced kids
8. Kid you probably don’t even notice:
the one’s I identify with, the quite ones, the ones that don’t want to be noticed

I’ve only spent a little time in my student teaching classroom but I can all ready see how hard it is to divide your time and your attention with all the kids. Already I’ve caught myself dividing the kids into categories like, good at reading, completely lost, space cadet, needy, bossy and I’ve only spent about 10 hours with them. I’ve also caught myself treating children differently based on these assumptions. I have to remind myself that I’ve only seen a small part of whom they are, just one example of how they behave. It will be interesting to see how my perception of them changes over the year.


Anonymous said...

It is hard to remember the quiet kids. I feel like in the classroom, I spend more time helping the louder ones. I need to remember the quiet ones who seem to be the most compliant.

Steve Rhine said...

I agree that it is important to be aware of those tendencies in ourselves, as it helps us to be better teachers.